Free Resources
Please share these resources with anyone in need. Download resource guides (also available in Spanish below), kindness campaign materials, and social media posts. You can help fight mental health stigma, spread kindness, and even save lives!
Resource Guide: Navigating a Mental Health Crisis
This guide includes advice and curated resources for those who are experiencing a mental health crisis. Mental health challenges in children, adolescents, and young adults are real and they are widespread. Most importantly, they are treatable and often preventable. Today’s young people face unprecedented challenges: social media, COVID, climate change, income inequality, racial injustice, the opioid epidemic and gun violence. It is important to understand that you and your child are not alone.
Resource Guide: How to Address Bullying
Bullying and cyberbullying are extremely serious and can have grave consequences. It can also be stopped when a community works together with a plan. We have created this resource guide for all those involved including victims, parents, kids who are exhibiting bullying behavior, schools, and other caregivers. It includes general information on bullying and what to do about it.
Feel free to download our Resource Guide and share it with others in need.
Resource Guide: Suicide Loss Survivors
We have created this resource guide for those who have survived a loss by suicide. It includes practical tips for how to manage the shock of the loss and how to find support. In addition, we have included guidance for how to communicate about suicide and helpful links for schools that are coping with a loss by suicide.
Feel free to download our Resource Guide and share it with others in need.
Our New Spanish Version Mental Health Resource Guides
We're pleased to announce that our resource guides are now available in Spanish, broadening our reach to serve our diverse community better. We are thrilled to be able to offer these valuable mental health resource guides for Spanish-speaking individuals:
Nuestras Nuevas Guías de Recursos de Salud Mental en Español
Nos complace anunciar que nuestras guías de recursos están ahora disponibles en español, ampliando nuestro alcance para servir mejor a nuestra rica y variada comunidad. Estamos emocionados de poder ofrecer estas valiosas guías de recursos de salud mental para individuos de habla hispana:
Guía de Recursos: Navegando una Crisis de Salud Mental
Esta guía incluye consejos y recursos seleccionados para aquellos que enfrentan una crisis de salud mental. Los desafíos de salud mental en niños, adolescentes y jóvenes adultos son reales, y son generalizados. Lo más importante es que son tratables y a menudo prevenibles. Los jóvenes de hoy enfrentan desafíos sin precedentes: redes sociales, COVID-19, cambio climático, desigualdad de ingresos, injusticia racial, la epidemia de opioides y la violencia de armas. Es importante entender que usted y su hijo no están solos.
Guía de Recursos: Cómo Abordar el Acoso Escolar
El acoso escolar y el ciberacoso son extremadamente graves y pueden tener consecuencias graves. Sin embargo, puede prevenirse cuando una comunidad trabaja junta con un plan. Hemos creado esta guía de recursos para todos los involucrados, incluidas las víctimas, padres, niños que exhiben comportamiento de acoso, escuelas y personas encargadas de cuidados. Incluye información general sobre el acoso y qué hacer al respecto.
Guía de Recursos: Sobrevivientes de Pérdida por Suicidio
Hemos creado esta guía de recursos para aquellos que han sobrevivido a una pérdida por suicidio. Incluye consejos prácticos sobre cómo manejar el shock de la pérdida y cómo encontrar apoyo. Además, hemos incluido orientación sobre cómo informar sobre el suicidio y enlaces útiles para escuelas que están lidiando con una pérdida por suicidio.
Download social media posts for Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn. Click here to see the full library.
Use our kindness materials to start your own Kindness Campaign in your community or school!
Kindness Bingo - Download Printables & Social Posts
We created a Kindness Bingo card to encourage daily, small acts of kindness. Use small acts of kindness for hte big win! Click below to download your 5 x 7 cards. You can print them at home and share with friends, hang them on your locker at school, or play at home. We also have social media size cards. Share your progress and encourage others to join the game! Make it a friendly competition with friends and family members.
Kindness Bingo is a perfect activity for the month of October in honor of Bullying Prevention Awareness month.
Compliment Cards - Download Printables & Social Posts
Giving people compliments can have a BIG impact on their day and even their lives. Use our Compliment Cards to #ShineTheLight on people you care about, and maybe even surprise some people people you know less well.
Download 5 x 7 inch printable version or social media size compliment posts.
Kindness Posters - Free Printables
Spread kindness far and wide with our 8 x 10 inch printable posters. Small messages of kindness are contagious and spread good feelings far and wide.
Hang Kindness posters at school, on lockers, in restrooms or public bulletin boards. Put them in mailboxes or even mail them to a friend.
17 free 8 x 10 inch poster designs are available.