We are so grateful for the partners, donors, students, parents, youth ambassadors, and small business friends that engage with us and help us forward our mission to prevent youth suicide.
Lila Noble, Youth Ambassador
I was a youth ambassador throughout my high school career and I am currently a freshman at Elon University, in North Carolina, and a Loyola Academy Graduate. Gabriel’s light has truly prepared me for college and my life beyond. I have always been aware of suicide prevention, but with the help Gabriel’s light has given me, I have been able to know what to do when those situations inevitably come up in my life. In my time at my Loyola, one of my best friends was struggling with depression, and even considered taking her own life, but with my experiences from Gabriel’s Light, I learned how to not only understand her situation, but give her advice on how to handle the situation and these feelings. Now with my help and the help of countless others, she is thriving, and she knows that people are there to help her even at her lowest.
In my short time at Elon University, I have had an incident with a girl on my hall. One late Friday night I came back from a party, and I found a girl crying on the hall, so naturally, as a kind and nice person, I sat down next to her. Before talking with her, I had seen her a couple of times in passing , but didn’t really know her. I talked to this girl for over a hour, she told me about everything that was happening in her life and I was able to just sit and listen. At the end of our conversation, she told me that if I had not sat down next to her, she would have gone to her room and overdosed on her medication. As a student, I am not a professional, I have not been specifically trained to handle these situations, but with the Gabriel’s Light Youth Ambassador Program, I was able to learn to just be kind to everyone, no matter what. After that night, I did submit a care request, which is when a professional reaches out to the student who is needing help. She was mad when she found out that was me who submitted this request, and she still will not talk to me, but I don’t regret what I did. I know that I was able to help her, and even if she will never talk to me again, I am so proud of how I handled this situation. With my knowledge, I can help people, and I am proud of that.
Elyssa’s Mission, Partner
We are grateful to Gabriel’s Light for giving Elyssa’s Mission an opportunity to expand our suicide prevention programming to include Hope Squad. Hope Squad is a peer-to-peer program that empowers, trains, and mentors peer nominated students to become a resource for others and link them to trusted adults in the school community.
Together, we are creating a safer today for our youth.
Cathy Roesch, Parent of a Youth Ambassasdor
Being a Youth Ambassador for four years was a priceless experience for my high-school daughter. She found confidence and strengthened important skills such as empathy and leadership that will serve her for many years ahead. Most importantly, she got to connect with her peers in support of a cause close to her heart.
William Schetz, Youth Ambassador
Being a part of the Ambassador Program for Gabriel's Light has taught me about the many mental health issues facing kids my age. It has allowed me to spread awareness to others about preventing youth suicide. I am interested in continuing my work in this field and the program has given me opportunities to meet other people interested in mental health issues affecting kids today.
I have used what I've learned through the Ambassador Program at Whitney Young High School and my new school - Grand Rapids Catholic Central. It has taught me to listen more closely to my friends and classmates, to aim to understand other people's perspectives and what they are going through. I know that every one of us faces difficulties in life, and that we all need help from other people sometimes. It's okay to let someone know how you are feeling, and there are so many people who want to help - I do my best to spread that message through my words and interactions everyday with those around me.
Alexander Graham School
Gabriel's Light has been very impactful on the social-emotional needs of our students. Our students have struggled returning to school this year with relationships and communication skills. We utilized Gabriel's Light's tools in our Kindness Week Program that were so effective in helping students express themselves. We will continue to partner with Gabriel's Light and help our students grow
Jim Peltzer, Director of Counseling, Mount Carmel High School
Gabriel's Light has helped our students and staff better understand mental health and what it looks like. We have used several of their programs and resources and look forward to growing our relationship with them to further advance our school community's knowledge of such a critical subject. Their knowledge and passion for the topic is wonderful to see, especially after the stigma and how mental health has been "swept under the rug" up until recently.
Emily Schetz, Parent
I am very proud to be a part of Gabriel's Light. As a parent, mentor and coach of teenagers and preteens I feel a tremendous amount of empathy for the challenges facing young people today. It has educated me and given our family the tools to talk comfortably about depression, anxiety, social pressures, and suicide. Gabriel's Light has made me better equipped among the people I interact with to understand and identify mental health struggles.
Elaine Frei, Founder of LUFT Balloons, Small Business Partner
My heart ached for Gabe and all the kids who felt they were unworthy of living. I wanted to be part of Carol’s crusade to tell our youth, "You are enough." so I dove in to help spread Gabriel’s light.
Olivia Mikucki, Youth Ambassador
The Gabriel’s Light Youth Ambassador program has not only impacted my understanding of mental health and suicide but has also driven me to incorporate what I’ve learned into my everyday life. The program has left me with education on mental health that I otherwise could never pursue. Before my work with the program my knowledge on teen suicide cause and prevention was limited to none. I didn’t understand how many resources there are that are placed to prevent teen suicide. As well, after joining the program I’ve gained an abundance of knowledge on what I, as a teenager, can do to prevent teen suicide and how I can help a friend or peer who is going through a mental health crisis. In a world where teen suicide numbers are up and mental health crisis are on a rise the program is such an important resource that isn’t focused on enough. It highlights the importance of teen suicide prevention but also gives the well needed resources to work with peers who are going through a crisis.
With the resources and knowledge gained from the program I’ve pursued work within my school’s own mental health club. I’ve shared what our own school community can do to look out for each other and I’ve worked to share TMHFA resources. Additionally, Gabriel’s Light works to share all the resources possible with youth ambassadors so that they can pursue educating peers through social media.