Youth Fundraising

Youth Ambassador Application

In the Youth Ambassador Fundraising Program, you will create, plan, and execute a fundraiser for Gabriel’s Light. As part of your fundraising efforts, you will also increase community education on youth mental health. 

Plan on having a lot of fun! This program is flexible and customized to fit your schedule. We will set up a timetable based on what works best for you.  

Skills you will learn: 

  • Creating & Brainstorming ideas into action plans 

  • Strategic Planning 

  • Non-Profit Development Experience - aka Fundraising 

  • Presentation & Public Speaking 

  • Event Planning & Execution 

  • Metrics Reporting 

Hours: # of hours TBD between individual and Gabriel’s Light based on their own schedule 


Our Youth Ambassador Fundraising Program is a year-round initiative. Our team will work with each Youth Ambassador to customize their schedule and help them organize, develop, and run their own personal fundraiser for Gabriel’s Light.

Please note that once each participant has customized their schedule, there may be group sessions in which all participants will meet and have the opportunity to collaborate.


We are currently accepting applications for our Youth Fundraising Youth Ambassador Program. Please fill out the form below to join our next session.