Announcing Annual Grant Awards in Honor of Gabe’s 14th Birthday


Gabe absolutely LOVED birthdays. On his own birthday his exuberance was off the charts. He was silly and happy and his excitement was contagious especially when serving cake and opening gifts. Reflecting on the inspiration of Gabe’s life and on the first eight months of the work of Gabriel’s Light, we celebrate Gabe’s birthday by announcing annual grant awards - financial gifts to organizations that further the mission of Gabriel’s Light.

In eight short months, the accomplishments of Gabriel’s Light include:

  • Bringing suicide awareness and cyber safety to numerous parents and schools through grassroots work with parents and social media campaigns

  • Pivoting during remote learning brought on by COVID-19 shutdowns to develop a blog series equipping parents for inevitable challenges: “Quaranteens + Tweens, Tips for Youth Cyber Safety & Mental Wellness”

  • Launching a Youth Ambassador Program for ages 10-18 to gain experience, earn service hours and make a difference by raising the awareness of the “silent epidemic” of youth suicide. Thirty five youth, ages 10-18 from four states have been selected and are developing fundraisers to support our mission. We are amazed at their creativity and maturity.

  • And now, we announce our inaugural grant awards for very deserving organizations

Introducing Our 2020 Grant Recipients
Spreading the light of our son Gabe motivates us towards our ultimate vision of a world free of youth suicide so that others do not suffer the pain and loss as we have. Our 2020 grantees mirror this vision and work to be the LIGHT for others. Their work aligns with ours, reflects Gabe’s joy and passions, and inspires us to celebrate and amplify all the ways together we educate, empower and support each other.

Elyssa’s Mission

Our largest grant is awarded to Elyssa’s Mission, one of our key partners in forwarding our mission to prevent youth suicide. Since 2006, Elyssa’s Mission has provided suicide prevention training to schools in Illinois, for no cost. Utilizing evidence-based S.O.S. Signs of Suicide training, they have successfully worked with 250 schools and also provide grief support to schools affected by suicide. We have partnered to bring the life-saving Hope Squad® school based, peer-to-peer Suicide Training Program to Chicago area schools beginning in August, 2020.

If Gabe’s school had a program like Elyssa’s Mission’s S.O.S. training, his death may have been prevented or we might have had at least an opportunity for an intervention for him. In Gabe’s honor, we work together with this likeminded organization to help identify other kids at risk and refer them for help.

Learn more on their website here.

L.O.S.S. Program

The L.O.S.S. (Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide) Program is a support group for those who are grieving a death by suicide of a family member or close friend. The non-denominational program is offered by Catholic Charities. For 41 years, LOSS has offered a safe, non-judgmental place to assist group and individual members through the grieving process. There is no fee for their services.

Our family found support with others grieving a loss by suicide, and through that support met another family who similarly suffered the unimaginable loss of a twelve year old child. We are so grateful for the support and comfort of LOSS.

Learn more on their website.

Concern Worldwide U.S.

Concern Worldwide is a global community of partners working to transform the lives of the world’s poorest people in countries with the greatest need. Concern supporters since 2004, this year we’ve specifically chosen the LEAF program in Ethiopia as a Gabriel’s Light grant recipient. LEAF (Lifesaving Education and Assistance to Farmers) Program is just a small part of the work done by Concern in Gabe’s birth country. LEAF provides immediate and longer-term responses to chronic malnutrition and hunger for people living in extreme poverty in Ethiopia and Kenya. 

Learn more on their website.

Firebird Community Arts

Firebird Community Arts empowers and connects people through the healing practice of glassblowing and ceramics. They serve those who have been impacted by structural or individual trauma, including violently-injured youth, veterans, formerly-incarcerated individuals, undocumented and immigrant populations, and Chicago Public School students on the South and West sides. We have selected Firebird Community Arts in honor of Gabe’s love for hands-on art and to support their mission of helping kids that have experienced trauma in our city. 

Learn more on their website.

The People’s Music School

Gabe loved music and music lessons. The People’s Music School envisions a society where all children have access to music education. They believe music is transformative and empowers the lives of youth, families, and communities. They offer high-quality, tuition-free music education for kids. 

Learn more on their website.

Alliance of Hope

The Alliance of Hope offers free, online healing support and services for people coping with a devastating loss to suicide. Their online forums operates 24/7 to support those unable to attend support in person. We are so thankful for organizations like Alliance of Hope that guide suicide survivors through their grief.

Learn more on their website.

Thank you to our donors, grantees, youth ambassadors and volunteers who have helped us accomplish so much. Your generosity and support in the earliest months of Gabriel’s Light’s existence makes a difference!

Stay tuned in mid-August for a second Youth Ambassador program as well as a back to school program educating parents on youth cyber safety, signs of suicide education and kindness programs.

Each and every one of us can be the LIGHT and make a difference to reduce these horrible and growing suicide statistics.

With gratitude,

Carol & Brendan Deely

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Please share any questions, feedback, or topics that interest you by emailing us here.

About Gabriel's Light

In 2019, Carol and Brendan Deely founded Gabriel’s Light in honor of their son who died by suicide at age 12. In honor of Gabe and all those lost to suicide, they share their journey with the hope that others may learn and grow from their tragedy. Focusing on three pillars of cyber safety, suicide prevention, and kindness campaigns, through outreach, programs, partnerships, and funding, they raise awareness and inspire youth, parents, and educators to take action and help forward their mission.


Warning Signs of Suicide and How to Help


Cyberbullying and Digital Drama