Warning Signs of Suicide and How to Help


By knowing signs that someone is sad or hopeless, you can find help for someone in serious trouble. 

Trying to tell the difference between what expected behaviors are and what might be the signs of a mental illness isn't always easy. There's no easy test that can let someone know if there is mental illness or if actions and thoughts might be typical behaviors of a person or the result of a physical illness. 

We know that mental health conditions can also begin to develop in young children Because they’re still learning how to identify and talk about thoughts and emotions, their most obvious symptoms can be more behavioral. Symptoms in children/youth may include the following:

  • Thinking, talking, or writing a lot about death 

  • Making jokes or indirect statements about death such as “My family would be better off without me.” 

  • Showing signs of being hopeless or feeling worthless, such as “what’s the point of living?”

  • Drop in school performance  (grades and standardized test scores significantly dropping) 

  • Significant weight loss or gain 

  • Giving away things that are important or visiting people to say goodbye

  • Dramatic mood changes: excessive worry or anxiety, hyperactivity

  • Neglecting appearance or hygiene like not washing

  • Withdrawal from friends and family or dropping out of school, athletic or social activities

  • Major changes in eating or sleeping habits including fighting, frequent disobedience, aggression, or temper tantrums


What to do if you notice warning signs:

Here are some first steps for seeking help if you or someone you know are exhibiting the above signs.

Say It Out Loud

Ask for help for yourself or others. Talk to a trusted adult, a parent, teacher, counselor, therapist, or coach. Not all adults know how to help. If they say it will “blow over” or don’t take you seriously, find another adult or contact professionals at the help lines below.

Never Keep it a Secret

If you have a friend exhibiting warning sings, it is so important that you do not keep it a secret. Even if your friends asks you to, you must seek help from an adult. Your friend may be mad at first, but it could save his or her life.

Contact Help via Phone or Text Any Time

These numbers are NOT just for crisis emergencies. You can use them any time you don’t know what to do about warning signs of depression or suicide.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Call 1-800-273-8255 or if your friend is in immediate danger of harming her/himself, call 911. 

Crisis Text Line Text “HOME” to 741741. Help is available for free at any time.

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Please share any questions, feedback, or topics that interest you by emailing us here.

About Gabriel's Light

In 2019, Carol and Brendan Deely founded Gabriel’s Light in honor of their son who died by suicide at age 12. In honor of Gabe and all those lost to suicide, they share their journey with the hope that others may learn and grow from their tragedy. Focusing on three pillars of cyber safety, suicide prevention, and kindness campaigns, through outreach, programs, partnerships, and funding, they raise awareness and inspire youth, parents, and educators to take action and help forward their mission.

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Please share any feedback or topics that interest you by emailing us here.

About Gabriel's Light

In 2019, Carol and Brendan Deely founded Gabriel’s Light in honor of their son who died by suicide at age 12. In honor of Gabe and all those lost to suicide, they share their journey with the hope that others may learn and grow from their tragedy. Focusing on three pillars of cyber safety, suicide prevention, and kindness campaigns, through outreach, programs, partnerships, and funding, they raise awareness and inspire youth, parents, and educators to take action and help forward their mission.


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